Playlists Overview
Playlists are collections of Track Datasets or a list of URLs to media files or other playlists.
Wimpy supports a number of playlist formats including:
- Automatic - Via wimpy.php server-side script.
- Simple Text - A URL to one (or more) media files.
- Javascript - An array of item objects.
- JSON - Via the Wimpy JSON Playlist Format.
- JSON-P - Via the Wimpy JSON Playlist Format.
- XML - Via the Wimpy XML Playlist Format.
- PLS - A URL to a PLS formatted file.
- M3U - A URL to an M3U formatted file.
- Podcast - A URL to a podcast feed (rss) file.
- Podcast Directory - A URL to an OPML podcast directory.
- Automatic Amazon S3 playlists - A URL to an AWS bucket.
Playlists can only be one-dimensional. Meaning that a list item must include a reference to a URL -- while the URL may be a URL to another playlist, the "file" field can not be another, full-blown list.
Each item within a playlist must have a reference to a URL, which is the minimum requirement for a playlist item. See Track Dataset for details.
Playlists can be external-file-based, or incorporated directly into the code used to establish a player via the "data-media" option, or when using the Javascript API to load playlists or playlist data.